The Crossroads Centre Antigua Blog
Smoking: A habit to kick or an addicti...
March 9, 2013 | #Addiction RecoveryCunning, baffling, and powerful! Don’t those words describe addiction to a tee? Experience teaches that when we are addicted, we cannot consistently control how much or how often, nor what happens when we are under the influence. Regardless of how ...
Healthy Eating In Recovery
May 11, 2012 | #Addiction RecoveryWhen the topic of making healthy food choices comes up, it is usually met with some level of disdain. In many quarters, it is synonymous with rigidity and bland tasteless meals and the elimination of our favorite foods or worse yet, total d...
What Is Sponsorship?
March 17, 2009 | #Addiction RecoveryAs winter is drawing to a close and we start to feel the warmth of spring it is a great time to put into practice healthy recovery behaviours that are important in maintaining long-term recovery such as sponsorship. Obtaining and retaining a sponsor ...
Grief In Recovery
February 5, 2009 | #Addiction RecoveryFriend, "You know what they say. The best thing when you lose one is to go find another. " Bereaved Man, "The best way is to go through it, before you even look for another." The friend meaning well, has given advice that echoes the attitudes and bel...