Crossroads Centre Antigua names Rokele Lerner as senior clinical advisor

Crossroads Centre Antigua recently announced that Rokelle Lerner has joined its staff as Senior Clinical Advisor. In this role, Rokelle will conduct trainings on trauma and family issues for the staff and clients, lecture for addiction conferences, and write articles for trade publications. She will continue her work in London representing Crossroads by conducting recovery-related workshops and training events for clinicians. Crossroads’ Chief Executive Officer, Denise Bertin-Epp states, “We are fortunate to have someone of Rokelle’s caliber joining our team. Rokelle’s expertise, along with Crossroads’ experienced staff, will enhance our ability to carry the message of recovery and hope to those who are affected by the disease of addiction, and to those who work in the addiction treatment field.”

Rokelle Lerner is a world renowned author, lecturer, clinician, and recovery advocate. She is a pioneer in the development of cutting edge treatment for children and adult children of alcoholics. She has trained counselors, psychologists, teachers and social workers throughout the world in healing the family from the ravages of addiction. Rokelle has received numerous awards for her work including the National Association for Children of Alcoholic’s Lifetime Achievement Award and Esquire magazine’s “Top 100 Women in the US Who are Changing the Nation.” She has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America and 20/20. Her articles and interviews have been featured in the Washington Post, New York Times, Newsweek, TIME, People Magazine and Parents Magazine.

Rokelle states, “I am proud to be a part of an organization that is based in both clinical excellence and compassion for those that suffer from the disease of addiction. Eric Clapton’s vision for an addiction treatment centre offering treatment of the highest quality and integrity became a reality in 1998 and I look forward to working with his team of experienced and internationally recognized professionals.”

  1. Bob Boyd says:

    Sounds impressive and lucky to be part of the group.

  2. Louise Stanger says:

    Dear Rokelle,

    Kudos on your new position. I am very happy for Crossroads. My book-Falling Up-A Memoir of Renewal just went on Amazon. I am hoping that you may read and review I think it can be helpful for families.
    Thanks for Considering,


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