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Addiction Treatment
Without Distraction
Begin your recovery today
Residential Addiction Treatment Available
In the midst of the extraordinary events within which we live, Crossroads Centre Antigua has reopenned our Residential Treatment program.
We remain firm in our commitment to help our clients to start a journey toward a life free from the devastating effects of alcohol and other drug dependencies.
We would like to assure all our partners that our clients’ health and safety continues to be our top priority. We have taken proactive steps following the World Health Organization guidelines to ensure that all of our clients, employees and other partners are protected.

“I could never have made it without the kind
of treatment that we offer here.”
Founded by music legend Eric Clapton, Crossroads Centre Antigua offers a therapeutic, supportive and safe environment—away from the confusion of life in addiction—on the beautiful island of Antigua.
A message from our founder, Eric Clapton.
Who We Help
Whether you are struggling with alcohol, opiates, marijuana, cocaine, or any other addictive substance, our licensed professionals are here to help.
Find the Right Program for You
Whether you are struggling with alcohol, opiates, marijuana, cocaine, or any other Addiction treatment isn’t solely about treating substance abuse — it’s about healing the body as a whole. Yoga, massage, and individual nutritional guidance ensure that your physical and emotional needs are fully addressed.
Meet Your Support Team
Crossroads’ experienced and internationally recognized staff of addiction professionals bring a cultural sensitivity unrivaled in any other addiction treatment facility.
Continued Support
Recovery from alcoholism and other addictions is an ongoing process. We strive to ensure that you leave Crossroads Antigua with a recovery plan designed for your individual needs, and that, wherever possible, there is a support system in place once you return home.
Hi, have questions?
A Crossroads team member is ready and
standing by 24/7. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

From the Blog
Crossroads’ experienced and internationally recognized staff of addiction professionals bring a cultural sensitivity unrivaled in any other addiction treatment facility.
Addiction is a disease which claims too many lives and help often feels out of reach. Turn up for Recovery has a mission of providing effective help against addiction through the power of music.
If you believe abstinence-based recovery should be available to all, visit the TUFR website and join the movement.
An International Treatment Centre of Excellence